Advanced Plugin Flows


The Brazen Plugins—the Career Site Plugin and the Job Req Plugin—are designed to be plug-and-play. Drop them on your page template and you’re good to go. But if the candidate experience you’re building requires additional control, we provide you with some options.

Manual Plugin Reveal

By default, the Brazen Plugin appears automatically within a few seconds of page load. Using Brazen's Manual Plugin Reveal, you can choose how you would like to initiate the Plugin being revealed on your webpage. For example, a candidate clicking a "Move Forward" button on your page could be the trigger to reveal the Plugin and display the corresponding engagement options defined in the Brazen app. To enable Manual Plugin Reveal, use the data-reveal-type="MANUAL" flag.

<script src="" 
	data-salesforce-id="{your Brazen account ID}"

Call the Javascript method brazenTechnologies.reveal() at any time after the Plugin is loaded to show it on screen.

To help determine if the Brazen Plugin is loaded and ready to show, we provide the method brazenTechnologies.setLoadedCallback(). Pass any function to this method to be run once the Brazen Plugin is loaded.

The function can take a boolean argument, hasOptions.

  • If we pass true, there is at least one engagement option for this job (recruiter chat, event-based chat, FAQ, etc.).
  • If we pass false, you'll want to provide your user with an alternate UX because we won't show the Plugin, even if reveal() is called. A false value indicates one of the following:
    • We recognize the job, but no engagement options have been set up for it
    • We don't have a matching job in our system
    • We're unreachable due to a scheduled maintenance window
    • We're unreachable due to a technical problem

Passing Candidate Info

You can also pass data such as name, email, and phone number from a form you host to the Brazen plugin so the candidate does not have to provide this info again. These values are passed in to the brazenTechnologies.reveal() method.

	emailAddress:"[email protected]",
  • Any combination of these arguments may be passed.
  • Passed values such as emailAddress and mobileNumber are assumed to have been already validated by you.

Minimizable Flag

If you wish the Brazen Plugin to stay open and maximized, you can disable the user ability to minimize it via the data-minimizable=false flag.

<script src="" 
	data-salesforce-id="{your Brazen account ID}"

Putting It All Together

To ensure the Plugin is ready when you manually reveal, we recommend calling brazenTechnologies.reveal() from inside your brazenTechnologies.setLoadedCallback() function or tracking the result of hasOptions, as in the following example:

        <script src="" 
            var brazenHasOptions = false;

            function showPlugin() {
                if (brazenHasOptions)
                        emailAddress:"[email protected]",
                    console.log("Plugin has no options");

            brazenTechnologies.setLoadedCallback(function(hasOptions) {
                brazenHasOptions = hasOptions;
      <button onclick="showPlugin()">Show plugin!</button>

Plugin Loader Source Code

Our Plugin Loader's public Javascript API consists of just the two methods described above and a further understanding of the Loader should not be required for use. However, the source code is available for review at any time.